Thursday, August 16, 2012

Get Off the Bus!

This bus has always been there. Every August, I'm sure flashing yellow buses are rolled into grocery stores across the country. Right into the back to school supply section.  Going back to school means quick snacks are a must!  As we venture into our first public school, this year was the first we noticed it. Noticed I should say! And how could you not? It is very catchy - flashing lights, bright yellow, appealing to the eye. And oh those colored boxes lure you right in. Snack packs, of course!

Although I haven't figured out why yet, it seems the unhealthier the snack, the more appealing the packaging is.  As if they are trying to cover something up. Well, needless to say we did not purchase any of the below brightly colored snacks.

Corn syrup galore. Don't be fooled! These "fruit" snacks are anything but healthy.
Why not?

They are convenient. And not too many calories. But it is not food.  It's not even close to food.  The "cheese" in the Ritz pack had a list about 12 ingredients long - none of which were milk! Last I checked cheese came from milk. And when did Oreos go square? Or when did we start stuffing graham crackers with corn syrup flavored spreads?

Aww Mom!  That's no fun!

I hear it now. And the packages do look "fun". Since when did food dictate fun?  And since when did snacks become so far removed from food?  The point of food is to nourish the body: to help children, tired from a long day at school, replenish energy and build strong bodies.  I don't know about you, but I sure don't want my little ones built with chemically processed white flour, high fructose corn syrup, or a dozen forms of chemical preservatives. No thank you.

So what's a mom to do?

Make "health" a priority on your back to school shopping list. This weekend, if you can upgrade one snack item for a healthier choice, you are taking a step in the right direction.  Remember, it's a family affair.

Upgrade your health today. Ditch the junk. White sugar and white flour, get off the bus!
Click here for Real Food Snack Ideas.

What snack can you upgrade to go back to school? The worse it is, the better the change.

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