Getting Started

Welcome! Whether you are just getting started or a hard-core foodie, curious about the hype or serious about making a change, I hope you find something helpful to you.  My mission is to educate and empower families, especially mothers and children, the importance of eating well.  Of eating real food.

My mission is to help YOU make the change.  It's that important. Because it's not just about fat or thin:  it's so much more than that.  For example,

The food you eat affects your
  • mood & feelings
  • weight & body composition
  • energy levels
  • immunity
  • cognitive and mental abilities
  • hormones
  • skin
  • joints, muscles, and inflammation
  • risk of cancer, disease, or serious illness
It is overwhelming. It is scary. And where do we begin?  That is not important. What is important is that I have been standing where you are. I understand. I am just like you. Well, I was.  Before 2009 I was just like any other gal, trying to make "healthy" choices and do the best I could. Until I hit bottom, and I started to discover the truth.  I had no idea I was doing anything wrong.  But I did know one thing without a doubt:

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

There is a way. There is a solution.  All you have to do take one step forward. Life is too short to feel okay, or worse!  Live life with vibrance. With radiance. Happy.  Because happiness is not a destination - happiness is the way.

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